The woman of this generation.

There is a huge change happening in society. Men and Woman are evolving in many many ways. They say the feminist of today are a joke but, i would beg to differ. Yes i am very aware of the feminist that get the most attention spreading some very offensive messages towards male in specific. My hate and frustration towards this is .it’s misandry and not feminism, I would prefer misandrist to adress themselves as such. For me there are many problems with the whole gender role way of thinking. No this is not implying we do not need eachother. We always do this the way humans are built, to need one another. I’m just saying let male and female experience the same things and be looked at the same ways. I’m saying more justice for our victims of sexual abuse regardless of gender! I’m saying lets us be ourselves without having restrictions due to our genders. There needs to be more equal justice for both parents in courtrooms. We are the same and we need to start treating eachother as such. This is not a game of power, lets not make it into one. We have the same feelings as eachother lets learn to embrace it as a soceity and be happy.

16 Comments Add yours

  1. Thomas petty says:

    Very informative. I feel that some people over the years have lost touch with their values over gender rights.


      1. Thomas petty says:

        In regard to generations were gender wasn’t embedded into our values


      2. Yes but, like what be more specific


      3. Thomas petty says:

        Such as the employment of women into roles that were seen as dominated by males


      4. Once theres a woman president that statement would be 100% true.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. myplace3187 says:

    I agree with your point about equal basis for sexual assault victims as each gender gets assaulted. Lets bring this out equally and fairly. In courts parents need to have equal rights before a judge. Family Law needs to be revamped to create fairness not just to pretend it is. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us in these two greatly important areas in our lives !!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thann you for your kind comments !!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. myplace3187 says:

        You are welcome.


  3. ortensia says:

    I so share your view.😎


    1. Yes thank you 💛

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Jokerswild says:

    You want to see someone’s true character, give them power. It’s humanities thrive for power that pushes the scales back and forth between the sexes and you’re so right, it does need to cease. It doesn’t go on everywhere, some men and women in relationships treat each other with respect but it even plays out in society when a woman makes more than a man or vice versa, the struggle in the mere household starts and it spills into the courtroom. It’s been male vs female for ages and it shouldn’t be that way because in my eyes the sexes are equal, one couldn’t coexist without the other.


  5. depatridge says:

    Your thought on the subject is quite apt. I wonder what use it has been to humanity since all the ‘feminist’ slogan got bandied around. I am not sure it has improved the human lot. The reason I go with your suggestion that “let male and female experience the same things and be looked at the same ways” is that it makes sense.


    1. Some things Definetly need to be discussed progression should always be happening! 🙂 and thank you

      Liked by 1 person

      1. depatridge says:

        My pleasure.


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